Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fuck You, Car, That's MY Pizza: My Earliest Memory

I have to go into the office every day yet again this week. So I'm going to be the laziest of fucks and repost something on here that I posted on Twitter last night. The wonderful and talented artist Marlo Meekins is making a comic of her earliest memory and suggested that others make their own comics as well.

You guys already know I can't draw. I've kind of accepted that these clumsy hands are far better suited to writing than making pictures. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to force you to look at my terrible attempts at art from time to time.

So without any further ado, here is my earliest memory done in the shittiest artwork that markers can draw:


Thanks to Marlo Meekins for the awesome suggestion! You kids should definitely check her out. Her tumblr is on my Ninja Champions of Writerlyhood list on the right sidebar since in addition to drawing super super well, she's also pretty damn funny.


  1. If I dropped a slice of pizza in the shark-infested ocean, I would dive for it without a thought. Glad you had your priorities straight at such a young age.

    1. I would die a thousand deaths in the noble name of pizza.
